Practical Self Defence
Our empowering self-defence classes is tailored specifically for teenage girls, offering a unique blend of practical self-defence techniques, street smarts, and empowerment, providing invaluable skills that go beyond physical prowess.
In today's world, it's essential for young women to feel confident and capable of protecting themselves, whether it's from potential threats on the street or bullying in school. Our classes are designed to equip them with the tools they need to navigate the world safely and assertively.
One of the key benefits of self-defense training for teen girls is the boost in confidence and self-esteem it provides. Through learning effective self-defense techniques, our students develop a sense of inner strength and resilience that translates into all areas of their lives. They learn to trust their instincts, set boundaries, and assert themselves in any situation.
But self-defense isn't just about physical techniques; it's also about developing awareness and avoiding dangerous situations altogether. Our instructors emphasize the importance of being street-savvy, teaching girls how to recognize potential threats, de-escalate confrontations, and seek help when needed. By instilling these skills, we empower our students to take control of their own safety and well-being.
Our classes are highly informal and welcoming, creating a relaxed environment where girls can learn and grow without pressure. We believe in the power of repetition and mastery, focusing on honing a few key techniques rather than overwhelming students with countless moves. This approach allows girls to build confidence in their abilities gradually, ensuring that they feel prepared and capable in any situation.
Join us today and empower yourself with the skills to navigate the world safely, confidently, and assertively. Together, we can build a community of strong, resilient young women ready to take on whatever challenges come their way.
why holding separate girls' self-defense classes can be beneficial:
Tailored Instruction:
Separate classes allow instructors to tailor techniques and discussions specifically to the needs and concerns of girls, addressing issues like gender-based violence and harassment in a supportive environment.
Comfort and Safety:
Girls may feel more comfortable discussing personal experiences and concerns in a single-gender environment, fostering open communication and trust.
Girls can feel more empowered to take an active role in their own safety and well-being without the pressures or distractions that might exist in mixed-gender settings.
Focus on Common Concerns:
Girls may share common concerns related to safety and self-defense, such as strategies for dealing with harassment or assault, which can be addressed more effectively in a girls-only class.
Reduced Intimidation:
In a single-gender environment, girls may feel less intimidated and more willing to participate actively in class activities, leading to a more positive learning experience.
Building Confidence:
Separate classes provide a supportive space for girls to build confidence in their abilities without feeling self-conscious or judged by male peers.
Addressing Gender Dynamics:
Girls' self-defense classes can address unique gender dynamics and power imbalances that may impact personal safety, providing strategies for navigating these situations assertively.
Focused Curriculum:
Girls' self-defense classes can focus on issues relevant to girls' experiences, such as defending against common types of attacks and understanding the psychology of assailants targeting females.
Community Building:
Separate classes can foster a sense of community and solidarity among girls, encouraging support and mutual empowerment both inside and outside the classroom.
they will benefit from:
Empowerment: Self-defense classes empower girls to protect themselves and assert their boundaries confidently.
Confidence: Learning practical self-defense techniques boosts confidence and self-esteem.
Safety Awareness: Girls gain valuable knowledge about recognizing and avoiding potentially dangerous situations.
Social Skills: Classes foster a sense of community and support among participants.
Boundary Setting: Girls learn how to assert boundaries assertively, both verbally and physically.
Risk Reduction: Understanding personal safety strategies helps girls reduce their risk of becoming victims of violence or abuse.
Preparation for Adulthood: Self-defence classes provide lifelong skills and knowledge for navigating the world safely and confidently.
Courses usually run in a methodical fashion starting with the basics and working its way to the complex components to finish the course before a test. With all Martial arts the skills and knowledge is gained through repetition. Each session will therefore include a combination of self defence techniques for a number of scenarios, Pad drills for skills, power and speed, and a run through of basic punches and kicks.
Combined these provide the building blocks to boost your confidence - Confidence being the most important weapon in your self defence arsenal. Therefore during this course expect to hit the road running, and at the end of the course we will grade everyone to the equivalent of our first grade
Street Wise
The course will start by providing a “best practice” to keep you safe and a walk through of the do’s and don'ts ensuring you don’t put yourself into unnecessary harm. This will form the building blocks for the remainder of the course of which we will continually return.
Whether we like it or not we will all at one time experience some form of bullying. As part of the course we will look at types of bullying, ways to dismiss or ignore bullying if you can, and then work through what we can do if bullying goes too far where physical confrontation occurs.
Dimmak - Science of Self defence
We specialise in a Self defence style called Dimmak. Passed down though Kung Fu masters, “dimmak” looks to strike at vital points in the body maximising the effects, ensure any and all efforts are limited to a single blow. Pressure points in the body have the ability to stun and even stop an attacker in their tracks giving you time to remove yourself from harms way.
Focus Pad drills
Its great for fitness and used in Martial arts classes throughout the world, but pad drills also serve to allow the repetition of basic techniques, improvement of strength, speed and skill. Adding combinations of both arm and leg techniques, as well as blocks, these drills will give you some “go too techniques” if you ever need them.
To complete the course on the all participants will be awarded their a certificate and White belt, traditionally the first grade in all martial arts styles