Safeguarding and Welfare
Here at the CT Martial Arts we take the safeguarding of ALL our students as a priority.
Should you want to discuss any issues relating to either a venerable young person or adult please contact our Welfare and Safeguarding Lead (Internal) on the details below;
Dan Carter.
Alternatively for any other help and advice take a look at the below;
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Local Authority Safeguarding Lead(Adults)
•Name: Safeguarding childrenTeam
•Email: child@westberks.gov.uk
•Telephone: 01635 503090
Local Authority Safeguarding Lead(Adults)
•Name: Safeguarding Adults Team
•Email: safeguardingadults@westberks.gov.uk
•Telephone: 01635 519056
In an emergency (ie. a child or adult in immediate danger) call 999
Tel: 101
Ask for the Safeguarding Investigations Team.