Not a member?

Join our online classes free or for a small donation of just £7.50 per week

Juniors Online

Mondays 5:30PM

(Note: NO CLASS 19TH April)


SEAMA Seniors

Tuesdays and Fridays 7:30pm

Ladies Bootcamp

Tuesdays “rained off”online session 06:30pm

Thursdays Back to basics

with Joe Sweeney

During the 2020 Pandemic all our classes moved to Online classes while the country was on lockdown. Although not popular by all, a number Loved the classes and as we emerged from our houses on July 24th, many wanted to continue. We therefore offer Online classes and tutorials as part of our membership.

A dedicated syllabus is available for online tuition. All you need is a computer, ZOOM installed and clear workout space.

If you are intereted in joining our online classes only, please contact us for details

What are you waiting for?