Stand out from the crowd

Before we ask you to part with your money our priority is that our classes are right for you. We therefore offer a free trail week for you to comedown, try the class out, meet the team and ensure that you fit i, and we fit in with you.

For the under 6 year olds, new groups can feel intimidating so we reserve the right to extend the free trial period that bit longer to ensure all nerves and shyness are eliminated.

Please note all classes that involve sparring require a membership that includes your license (you can participate in Kickboxing as a non-member for your trail period but will not be able to spar. All memberships are valid for one calendar year and annual renewals may be requested dependent on your chosen package.

There is no contract for our classes. Cancellation can be made at anytime, however we request that cancellations are discussed with the instructor out of respect.

We offer several packages as detailed below. Should you wish to upgrade at anytime please speak with your instructor.

SEAMA Training Suit/Gi

being part of the South East Academy its compulsery for all Our Juniors to train with our traing Suite/GI
